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How to Get Regigigas in Pokemon Black 2

From Bulbapedia, the community-driven Pokémon encyclopedia.

Colossal Pokémon

Images on the Bulbagarden Archives
Normal Unknown
Unknown Unknown
Unknown Unknown
Unknown Unknown
Unknown Unknown
Unknown Unknown
Slow Start Cacophony
Hidden Ability
Hidden Ability
Gender ratio
Gender unknown
Catch rate

3 (1.6%)

Egg Group


Hatch time

30840 - 31096steps
Egg not obtainable

12'02" 3.7 m
0'0" 0 m
0'0" 0 m
0'0" 0 m
925.9 lbs. 420.0 kg
0 lbs. 0 kg
0 lbs. 0 kg
0 lbs. 0 kg
Mega Stone
[[|]] [[|]]
Base experience yield
Gen. IV
Leveling rate


EV yield
Total: 3


F486.png None.png
Pokédex color


Base friendship


External Links
  • On Smogon Pokédex:
    • Generation IV
    • Generation V
    • Generation VI
    • Generation VII
  • Artwork on Bulbagarden Archives

Regigigas (Japanese: レジギガス Regigigas) is a Normal-type Legendary Pokémon introduced in Generation IV.

It is not known to evolve into or from any other Pokémon.

It created the Legendary titans.


Regigigas in its slumbering state.

Regigigas is a large, white, golem-like Pokémon with seven black circular "eyes" arranged in a specific pattern. The pattern is Regigigas's way of showing its anger; its eyes glow red when it is provoked. It has six spots that are apart from its eyes, which appear to be gemstones. These gemstones seem to represent the original three Regis, with red gems representing Regirock, blue gems indicating Regice, and silver gems representing Registeel. Regigigas has long arms, with three fairly human-like white fingers, and short legs that end in large mossy bushes instead of feet. Regigigas has large yellow bands on its shoulders and wrists, with a sloping section on its chest that appears to be its head and is also yellow. Its body is covered in black stripes, and it has moss growing in its back and feet.

Regigigas is a skilled craftsman. It created golems out of inanimate objects and elemental energies, bringing them to life. Regigigas is also capable of controlling these Legendary titans, even if they already belong to a different Trainer. It can also survive extreme conditions as it is able to work with the boiling temperatures of magma (1300-2400 °F [700-1300 °C]) as well as frigid ice (-328 °F [-200 °C]). When Regigigas is disturbed from its slumber, it goes on a rampage and shoots powerful beams of energy. When it is befriended, however, it is calm and gentle, as seen in Pillars of Friendship!. It is able to crush targets by using its signature move, Crush Grip. According to Sinnoh legend, Regigigas's strength enables it to move continents.

In the anime

Main series

Major appearances

Regigigas debuted in Giratina and the Sky Warrior. It lives in a temple in the mountains of Ten'i Village and had been asleep for centuries, subsequently having moss growing on its feet and shoulders. However, when Zero entered the Reverse World and began shattering pillars of ice within it, the glacier in front of Regigigas' temple suffered catastrophic explosions and began moving. This disturbed its slumber, rousing it into action. When Dawn's Buneary and Swinub failed to stop the glacier with the help of a large group of wild Pokémon, Regigigas appeared and commanded a herd of dozens of Mamoswine to hold the glacier back. Once the crisis was resolved, Regigigas returned to its temple. It was last seen using Hyper Beam on Team Rocket during the ending credits.

Regigigas made its main series debut in Pillars of Friendship! at the Snowpoint Temple. J wanted to steal it, and a result, it was rudely awakened. It went on a rampage afterwards, using Hyper Beam on anything. It even used Confuse Ray to control Brandon's set of Legendary titans and force them to help it. At the end of the episode, it healed Brandon and his titans using Hidden Power to restore them from their petrification. It was then taken back to the temple to return to its slumber.

Minor appearances

In Dealing With a Fierce Double Ditto Drama!, Meowth's boss fantasy featured a Regigigas.

A Regigigas appeared in the opening sequence of Zoroark: Master of Illusions.

In the beginning of Hoopa and the Clash of Ages, a Regigigas was summoned by a Hoopa Unbound in Dahara City one hundred years prior to the events of the movie, alongside a Reshiram and Zekrom. The three fought Hoopa, but were easily defeated and sent back through portals to their original homes.

Pokédex entries

Episode Pokémon Source Entry
DP129 Regigigas Dawn's Pokédex Regigigas, the Colossal Pokémon. According to legend, Regigigas has towed continents using ropes.

Pokémon Generations

In The Adventure, a wild Regigigas was awakened in the Snowpoint Temple by a nearby battle between Red's Pikachu and a wild Probopass. It proceeded to easily smack Probopass aside, shrug off Pikachu's Electric attack, and retaliate with a devastating attack of its own.


A Regigigas briefly appeared as a silhouette in GOTCHA!.

In the manga

Movie adaptations

A Regigigas appeared in Hoopa and the Clash of Ages.

Pocket Monsters DP

A Regigigas appeared in PMDP33.

Pokémon Adventures

Main article: Reg

Regigigas's silhouette was first seen inside the Snowpoint Temple in Bogging Down Quagsire. When Platinum, Maylene, and Candice were about to freeze in a blizzard following their defeat at the hands of Jupiter, it was the one who carried them to safety. Whilst in her trance, Platinum unconsciously rolled over an empty Poké Ball to the creature, and it ended up in her bag before choosing to join Diamond in an effort to stop Dialga and Palkia's clash. It was later named "Reg."

Pokémon Diamond and Pearl Adventure!

Main article: Hareta's Regigigas

In Pokémon Diamond and Pearl Adventure!, Hareta captures Regigigas by persuading it to help him stop Team Galactic. It first appeared in A Novel Test!!

In the TCG

Main article: Regigigas (TCG)

Other appearances

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate

Regigigas appears as a Spirit.

Game data

NPC appearances

  • Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Time and Explorers of Darkness: Regigigas appears as a statue, along with four Bronzong and four Hitmonlee, in Aegis Cave. When the player's team and Team Charm reach them, the statues come to life and battle the two teams. After being defeated, Regigigas rises again and smashes the ground with its fist, causing the earth outside to heave up and reveal the entrance to the Concealed Ruins. Afterward, Regigigas can be battled again and recruited.

Pokédex entries

This Pokémon was unavailable prior to Generation IV.
Generation IV Sinnoh
Diamond There is an enduring legend that states this Pokémon towed continents with ropes.
Platinum It is said to have made Pokémon that look like itself from a special ice mountain, rocks, and magma.
HeartGold It is believed to have shaped Regirock, Regice, and Registeel out of clay, ice, and magma.
Generation V Unova
Black It is said to have made Pokémon that look like itself from a special ice mountain, rocks, and magma.
Black 2 It is said to have made Pokémon that look like itself from a special ice mountain, rocks, and magma.
White 2
Generation VI Kalos
X It is said to have made Pokémon that look like itself from a special ice mountain, rocks, and magma.
Y There is an enduring legend that states this Pokémon towed continents with ropes.
Omega Ruby It is said to have made Pokémon that look like itself from a special ice mountain, rocks, and magma.
Alpha Sapphire There is an enduring legend that states this Pokémon towed continents with ropes.
Generation VII Alola
This Pokémon has no Pokédex entries in Generation VII.
Generation VIII Galar
This Pokémon has no Pokédex entries in Generation VIII.
Brilliant Diamond There is an enduring legend that states this Pokémon towed continents with ropes.
Shining Pearl

Game locations

This Pokémon was unavailable prior to Generation IV.
Generation IV
Diamond Pearl

Snowpoint Temple (requires the three Legendary titans) (only one)


Snowpoint Temple (requires the three Legendary titans) (only one)

HeartGold SoulSilver


Generation V
Black White


Black 2 White 2

Twist Mountain (requires the three Legendary titans) (only one)

Generation VI


Omega Ruby Alpha Sapphire

Island Cave (requires the three Legendary titans) (only one) Morning Day

Generation VII
Sun Moon


Ultra Sun


Ultra Moon

Ultra Space Wilds (Cave World) (Only one)

Let's Go Pikachu Let's Go Eevee


Generation VIII
Sword Shield


Expansion Pass

Giant's Bed (Max Raid Battle) (requires the five Legendary titans)

In side games

This Pokémon was unavailable prior to Generation IV.
Generation IV
MD Time MD Darkness

Aegis Cave (Regigigas Chamber)

MD Sky

Aegis Cave (Regigigas Chamber)

Ranger: SoA

Hippowdon Temple


Bright Beach

Ranger: GS

Sky Fortress, Rand's House

Generation V
Rumble Blast

Desert: All (Random Legendary Encounters)

Rumble U

Melodious Woodland: A Colossal Throwdown

Generation VI
Battle Trozei

Colossal Forest: Stage 4


Event: Regigigas Appears

Rumble World

Origin Hideaway: Super-Aura Test Lab (Special Boss)

Super MD

Triangle Temple


Area 29: Stage 09

Generation VII
Rumble Rush

Arceus Sea, Buzzwole SeaFinal

In events

Games Event Language Location Level Distribution period
D P Movie Regigigas Japanese Japan 100 June 20 to August 31, 2008
D P Toys "R" Us Regigigas English United States 100 March 8 to 21, 2009
D P Nintendo of Korea Regigigas Korean South Korea 100 June 20 to 21, 2009
D P Pt Summer 2009 Regigigas Spanish Spain 100 July 11 to August 30, 2009
D P Pt Summer 2009 Regigigas Italian Italy 100 July 18 to 19, 2009
D P Pt Summer 2009 Regigigas English Europe 100 July 25 to September 7, 2009
D P Pt Summer 2009 Regigigas German Germany 100 August 29 to October 4, 2009
D P Pt Summer 2009 Regigigas French France 100 September 18 to 20, 2009;
November 2, 2009
S Legendary Pokémon Celebration Regigigas American region Online 60 March 16 to June 28, 2018
US Legendary Pokémon Celebration Regigigas American region Online 100 March 16 to June 28, 2018
S Legendary Pokémon Celebration Regigigas PAL region Nintendo Network 60 March 1 to 24, 2018
US Legendary Pokémon Celebration Regigigas PAL region Nintendo Network 100 March 1 to 24, 2018

Held items

Game Held Item(s)
Events * Custap Berry Custap Berry (100%) Gold Bottle Cap Gold Bottle Cap (100%)


Base stats

Stat Range
At Lv. 50 At Lv. 100



170 - 217 330 - 424



148 - 233 292 - 460



103 - 178 202 - 350

Sp. Atk:


76 - 145 148 - 284

Sp. Def:


103 - 178 202 - 350



94 - 167 184 - 328



Other Pokémon with this total
  • Minimum stats are calculated with 0 EVs, IVs of 0, and (if applicable) a hindering nature.
  • Maximum stats are calculated with 252 EVs, IVs of 31, and (if applicable) a helpful nature.

Pokéathlon stats

Type effectiveness

Under normal battle conditions in Generation VIII, this Pokémon is:
normally by:


Weak to:


Immune to:


Resistant to:


  • If this Pokémon is given a Ring Target, the effectiveness of  Ghost-type moves is 1×.


Regigigas is available in Sword and Shield Version 1.3.0+ and Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl.

By leveling up

Generation VIII
Other generations:
Level Move Type Cat. Pwr. Acc. PP
011 Pound Normal Physical 04040 100100% 35
011 Confuse Ray Ghost Status 0000 100100% 10
066 Payback Dark Physical 05050 100100% 10
1212 Revenge Fighting Physical 06060 100100% 10
1818 Stomp Normal Physical 06565 100100% 20
2424 Protect Normal Status 0000 00——% 10
3030 Knock Off Dark Physical 06565 100100% 20
3636 Mega Punch Normal Physical 08080 08585% 20
4242 Body Press Fighting Physical 08080 100100% 10
4848 Wide Guard Rock Status 0000 00——% 10
5454 Zen Headbutt Psychic Physical 08080 09090% 15
6060 Heavy Slam Steel Physical 0000 100100% 10
6666 Hammer Arm Fighting Physical 100100 09090% 10
7272 Giga Impact Normal Physical 150150 09090% 5
7878 Crush Grip Normal Physical 0000 100100% 5
  • Bold indicates a move that gets STAB when used by Regigigas
  • Italic indicates a move that gets STAB only when used by an evolution of Regigigas
  • Click on the generation numbers at the top to see level-up moves from other generations


Sw Sh

Generation VIII
Other generations:
TM Move Type Cat. Pwr. Acc. PP
TM00 Bag TM Normal VI Sprite.png TM00 Mega Punch Normal Physical 08080 085}}85% 20
TM01 Bag TM Normal VI Sprite.png TM01 Mega Kick Normal Physical 120120 075}}75% 5
TM03 Bag TM Fire VI Sprite.png TM03 Fire Punch Fire Physical 07575 100}}100% 15
TM04 Bag TM Ice VI Sprite.png TM04 Ice Punch Ice Physical 07575 100}}100% 15
TM05 Bag TM Electric VI Sprite.png TM05 Thunder Punch Electric Physical 07575 100}}100% 15
TM08 Bag TM Normal VI Sprite.png TM08 Hyper Beam Normal Special 150150 090}}90% 5
TM09 Bag TM Normal VI Sprite.png TM09 Giga Impact Normal Physical 150150 090}}90% 5
TM14 Bag TM Electric VI Sprite.png TM14 Thunder Wave Electric Status 0000 090}}90% 20
TM19 Bag TM Normal VI Sprite.png TM19 Safeguard Normal Status 0000 00—}}—% 25
TM21 Bag TM Psychic VI Sprite.png TM21 Rest Psychic Status 0000 00—}}—% 10
TM22 Bag TM Rock VI Sprite.png TM22 Rock Slide Rock Physical 07575 090}}90% 10
TM24 Bag TM Normal VI Sprite.png TM24 Snore Normal Special 05050 100}}100% 15
TM25 Bag TM Normal VI Sprite.png TM25 Protect Normal Status 0000 00—}}—% 10
TM27 Bag TM Ice VI Sprite.png TM27 Icy Wind Ice Special 05555 095}}95% 15
TM33 Bag TM Water VI Sprite.png TM33 Rain Dance Water Status 0000 00—}}—% 5
TM34 Bag TM Fire VI Sprite.png TM34 Sunny Day Fire Status 0000 00—}}—% 5
TM39 Bag TM Normal VI Sprite.png TM39 Facade Normal Physical 07070 100}}100% 20
TM42 Bag TM Fighting VI Sprite.png TM42 Revenge Fighting Physical 06060 100}}100% 10
TM43 Bag TM Fighting VI Sprite.png TM43 Brick Break Fighting Physical 07575 100}}100% 15
TM48 Bag TM Rock VI Sprite.png TM48 Rock Tomb Rock Physical 06060 095}}95% 15
TM57 Bag TM Dark VI Sprite.png TM57 Payback Dark Physical 05050 100}}100% 10
TM59 Bag TM Dark VI Sprite.png TM59 Fling Dark Physical 0000 100}}100% 10
TM63 Bag TM Fighting VI Sprite.png TM63 Drain Punch Fighting Physical 07575 100}}100% 10
TM64 Bag TM Ice VI Sprite.png TM64 Avalanche Ice Physical 06060 100}}100% 10
TM76 Bag TM Normal VI Sprite.png TM76 Round Normal Special 06060 100}}100% 15
TM79 Bag TM Normal VI Sprite.png TM79 Retaliate Normal Physical 07070 100}}100% 5
TM81 Bag TM Ground VI Sprite.png TM81 Bulldoze Ground Physical 06060 100}}100% 20
TM98 Bag TM Ground VI Sprite.png TM98 Stomping Tantrum Ground Physical 07575 100}}100% 10
TR01 Bag TR Normal Sprite.png TR01 Body Slam Normal Physical 08585 100}}100% 15
TR08 Bag TR Electric Sprite.png TR08 Thunderbolt Electric Special 09090 100}}100% 15
TR09 Bag TR Electric Sprite.png TR09 Thunder Electric Special 110110 070}}70% 10
TR10 Bag TR Ground Sprite.png TR10 Earthquake Ground Physical 100100 100}}100% 10
TR20 Bag TR Normal Sprite.png TR20 Substitute Normal Status 0000 00—}}—% 10
TR26 Bag TR Normal Sprite.png TR26 Endure Normal Status 0000 00—}}—% 10
TR27 Bag TR Normal Sprite.png TR27 Sleep Talk Normal Status 0000 00—}}—% 10
TR39 Bag TR Fighting Sprite.png TR39 Superpower Fighting Physical 120120 100}}100% 5
TR64 Bag TR Fighting Sprite.png TR64 Focus Blast Fighting Special 120120 070}}70% 5
TR67 Bag TR Ground Sprite.png TR67 Earth Power Ground Special 09090 100}}100% 10
TR69 Bag TR Psychic Sprite.png TR69 Zen Headbutt Psychic Physical 08080 090}}90% 15
TR74 Bag TR Steel Sprite.png TR74 Iron Head Steel Physical 08080 100}}100% 15
TR75 Bag TR Rock Sprite.png TR75 Stone Edge Rock Physical 100100 080}}80% 5
TR79 Bag TR Steel Sprite.png TR79 Heavy Slam Steel Physical 0000 100}}100% 10
TR88 Bag TR Fire Sprite.png TR88 Heat Crash Fire Physical 0000 100}}100% 10
TR93 Bag TR Dark Sprite.png TR93 Darkest Lariat Dark Physical 08585 100}}100% 10
TR94 Bag TR Ground Sprite.png TR94 High Horsepower Ground Physical 09595 095}}95% 10
TR99 Bag TR Fighting Sprite.png TR99 Body Press Fighting Physical 08080 100}}100% 10
  • Bold indicates a move that gets STAB when used by Regigigas
  • Italic indicates a move that gets STAB only when used by an evolution of Regigigas
  • Click on the generation numbers at the top to see TM moves from other generations


Generation VIII
Other generations:
TM Move Type Cat. Pwr. Acc. PP
TM01 Bag TM Fighting VI Sprite.png TM01 Focus Punch Fighting Physical 150150 100}}100% 20
TM11 Bag TM Fire VI Sprite.png TM11 Sunny Day Fire Status 0000 —}}—% 5
TM15 Bag TM Normal VI Sprite.png TM15 Hyper Beam Normal Special 150150 090}}90% 5
TM17 Bag TM Normal VI Sprite.png TM17 Protect Normal Status 0000 —}}—% 10
TM18 Bag TM Water VI Sprite.png TM18 Rain Dance Water Status 0000 —}}—% 5
TM20 Bag TM Normal VI Sprite.png TM20 Safeguard Normal Status 0000 —}}—% 25
TM24 Bag TM Electric VI Sprite.png TM24 Thunderbolt Electric Special 09090 100}}100% 15
TM25 Bag TM Electric VI Sprite.png TM25 Thunder Electric Special 110110 070}}70% 10
TM26 Bag TM Ground VI Sprite.png TM26 Earthquake Ground Physical 100100 100}}100% 10
TM31 Bag TM Fighting VI Sprite.png TM31 Brick Break Fighting Physical 07575 100}}100% 15
TM32 Bag TM Normal VI Sprite.png TM32 Double Team Normal Status 0000 —}}—% 15
TM34 Bag TM Electric VI Sprite.png TM34 Shock Wave Electric Special 06060 —}}—% 20
TM39 Bag TM Rock VI Sprite.png TM39 Rock Tomb Rock Physical 06060 095}}95% 15
TM40 Bag TM Flying VI Sprite.png TM40 Aerial Ace Flying Physical 06060 —}}—% 20
TM42 Bag TM Normal VI Sprite.png TM42 Facade Normal Physical 07070 100}}100% 20
TM44 Bag TM Psychic VI Sprite.png TM44 Rest Psychic Status 0000 —}}—% 10
TM52 Bag TM Fighting VI Sprite.png TM52 Focus Blast Fighting Special 120120 070}}70% 5
TM56 Bag TM Dark VI Sprite.png TM56 Fling Dark Physical 0000 100}}100% 10
TM58 Bag TM Normal VI Sprite.png TM58 Endure Normal Status 0000 —}}—% 10
TM60 Bag TM Fighting VI Sprite.png TM60 Drain Punch Fighting Physical 07575 100}}100% 10
TM66 Bag TM Dark VI Sprite.png TM66 Payback Dark Physical 05050 100}}100% 10
TM68 Bag TM Normal VI Sprite.png TM68 Giga Impact Normal Physical 150150 090}}90% 5
TM69 Bag TM Rock VI Sprite.png TM69 Rock Polish Rock Status 0000 —}}—% 20
TM71 Bag TM Rock VI Sprite.png TM71 Stone Edge Rock Physical 100100 080}}80% 5
TM72 Bag TM Ice VI Sprite.png TM72 Avalanche Ice Physical 06060 100}}100% 10
TM73 Bag TM Electric VI Sprite.png TM73 Thunder Wave Electric Status 0000 090}}90% 20
TM77 Bag TM Normal VI Sprite.png TM77 Psych Up Normal Status 0000 —}}—% 10
TM80 Bag TM Rock VI Sprite.png TM80 Rock Slide Rock Physical 07575 090}}90% 10
TM82 Bag TM Normal VI Sprite.png TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status 0000 —}}—% 10
TM83 Bag TM Ground VI Sprite.png TM83 Bulldoze Ground Physical 06060 100}}100% 20
TM87 Bag TM Normal VI Sprite.png TM87 Swagger Normal Status 0000 085}}85% 15
TM90 Bag TM Normal VI Sprite.png TM90 Substitute Normal Status 0000 —}}—% 10
TM96 Bag TM Normal VI Sprite.png TM96 Strength Normal Physical 08080 100}}100% 15
TM98 Bag TM Fighting VI Sprite.png TM98 Rock Smash Fighting Physical 04040 100}}100% 15
XTM100 Bag TM Normal VI Sprite.png TM100 Rock Climb Normal Physical 09090 085}}85% 20
  • Bold indicates a move that gets STAB when used by Regigigas
  • Italic indicates a move that gets STAB only when used by an evolution of Regigigas
  • Click on the generation numbers at the top to see TM moves from other generations

By breeding

Generation VIII
Other generations:
Parent Move Type Cat. Pwr. Acc. PP
This Pokémon learns no moves by breeding.
  • Moves marked with an asterisk (*) must be chain bred onto Regigigas in Generation VIII
  • Moves marked with a double dagger (‡) can only be bred from a Pokémon who learned the move in an earlier generation.
  • Moves marked with a superscript game abbreviation can only be bred onto Regigigas in that game.
  • Bold indicates a move that gets STAB when used by Regigigas
  • Italic indicates a move that gets STAB only when used by an evolution of Regigigas
  • Click on the generation numbers at the top to see Egg moves from other generations

By tutoring

Generation VIII
Other generations:
Game Move Type Cat. Pwr. Acc. PP
Sw Sh EP Terrain Pulse Normal Special 50 100% 10
  • Bold indicates a move that gets STAB when used by Regigigas
  • Italic indicates a move that gets STAB only when used by an evolution of Regigigas
  • Click on the generation numbers at the top to see Move Tutor moves from other generations

By transfer from another generation

Generation VIII
Other generations:
Gen. Move Type Cat. Pwr. Acc. PP
IV V VI VII Aerial Ace Flying Physical 06060 00—}}—% 20
IV V VI VII Ancient Power Rock Special 06060 100}}100% 5
IV V VI VII Block Normal Status 0000 00—}}—% 5
IV V VI VII Confide Normal Status 0000 00—}}—% 20
IV V VI VII Dizzy Punch × Normal Physical 07070 100}}100% 10
IV V VI VII Double Team Normal Status 0000 00—}}—% 15
IV V VI VII Focus Punch Fighting Physical 150150 100}}100% 20
IV V VI VII Foresight × Normal Status 0000 00—}}—% 40
IV V VI VII Frustration × Normal Physical 0000 100}}100% 20
IV V VI VII Gravity Psychic Status 0000 00—}}—% 5
IV V VI VII Headbutt Normal Physical 07070 100}}100% 15
IV V VI VII Hidden Power × Normal Special 06060 100}}100% 15
IV V VI VII Mud-Slap Ground Special 02020 100}}100% 10
IV V VI VII Natural Gift × Normal Physical 0000 100}}100% 15
IV V VI VII Nature Power Normal Status 0000 00—}}—% 20
IV V VI VII Power-Up Punch Fighting Physical 04040 100}}100% 20
IV V VI VII Psych Up Normal Status 0000 00—}}—% 10
IV V VI VII Return × Normal Physical 0000 100}}100% 20
IV V VI VII Rock Polish Rock Status 0000 00—}}—% 20
IV V VI VII Rock Smash Fighting Physical 04040 100}}100% 15
IV V VI VII Secret Power × Normal Physical 07070 100}}100% 20
IV V VI VII Shock Wave Electric Special 06060 00—}}—% 20
IV V VI VII Smack Down Rock Physical 05050 100}}100% 15
IV V VI VII Strength Normal Physical 08080 100}}100% 15
IV V VI VII Swagger Normal Status 0000 085}}85% 15
IV V VI VII Toxic Poison Status 0000 090}}90% 10
  • A striped background indicates a generation in which the move can only be obtained via event or as a special move
  • Bold indicates a move that gets STAB when used by Regigigas
  • Italic indicates a move that gets STAB only when used by an evolution of Regigigas
  • × indicates a move that cannot be used in Generation VIII
  • Click on the generation numbers at the top to see transfer-only moves for other generations

Side game data

Pokémon Mystery Dungeon
Explorers of Time, Explorers of Darkness, and Explorers of Sky
MDP E 486.png Body size: 4
Recruit rate: 100%
IQ group: E
Pokémon Ranger: Shadows of Almia


Poké Assist: Normal PA.png


Field move: None
Browser entry R-267
It creates a shock wave with every step. It throws punches to attack.
Pokémon Ranger: Guardian Signs


Poké Assist:
Normal Assist.png


Field move:
None - field move.png
(None ×-)
Not available in the past.
Browser entry R-292
It launches powerful beams and lets loose shock waves as it walks.
Pokémon Rumble
Attack ●●●●●
Defense ●●●●●
Speed ●●●●
Pokémon Rumble Blast
Attack ●●●●●
Defense ●●●●●
Speed ●●●●
Pokémon Rumble Rush
Rush486Body.png Walking Speed: 1.1 seconds Base HP: 61
Base Attack: 87 Base Defense: 61 Base Speed: 70
Pokémon Battle Trozei


Attack Power: ★★★★


Pokémon Shuffle


None.png Attack Power: 90 - 150 Raise Max Level.png 20


Hyper Punch
Sometimes deals even more damage.
Skill Swapper: Shot Out
Pokémon GO
GO486.png Base Stamina: 221 Base Attack: 287 Base Defense: 210
Egg Distance: N/A Buddy Distance: 20 km Evolution Requirement: N/A
Fast Attacks: Zen Headbutt, Hidden Power
Charged Attacks: Giga Impact, Focus Blast, Thunder

In Pokémon GO, Regigigas can be obtained by completing the Special Research, A Colossal Discovery.



This Pokémon was unavailable prior to Generation IV.
Generation IV
Diamond Pearl Platinum HeartGold SoulSilver
Spr 4d 486.png Spr b 4d 486.png Spr 4p 486.png Spr b 4p 486.png Spr 4p 486.png Spr b 4h 486.png
Spr 4d 486 s.png Spr b 4d 486 s.png Spr 4p 486 s.png Spr b 4d 486 s.png Spr 4p 486 s.png Spr b 4d 486 s.png
Front Back Front Back Front Back
Generation V
Black White Black 2 White 2
Spr 5b 486.png Spr b 5b 486.png Spr 5b 486.png Spr b 5b 486.png
Spr 5b 486 s.png Spr b 5b 486 s.png Spr 5b 486 s.png Spr b 5b 486 s.png
Front Back Front Back
Generation VI
X Y Omega Ruby Alpha Sapphire
Spr 6x 486.png Spr b 6x 486.png Spr 6x 486.png Spr b 6x 486.png
Spr 6x 486 s.png Spr b 6x 486 s.png Spr 6x 486 s.png Spr b 6x 486 s.png
Front Back Front Back
Generation VII
Sun Moon Ultra Sun Ultra Moon
Spr 7s 486.png Spr b 7s 486.png Spr 7s 486.png Spr b 7s 486.png
Spr 7s 486 s.png Spr b 7s 486 s.png Spr 7s 486 s.png Spr b 7s 486 s.png
Front Back Front Back
Generation VIII
Sword Shield
400px 400px
HOME486.png HOME486 s.png


  • Due to its Ability weakening it, Regigigas has more in common with Slaking than it does with other Legendary Pokémon. They share the same Normal type, the same base stat total of 670, the same base Attack stat of 160, and Abilities that limit their power.
    • Regigigas and Slaking also have the highest base Attack stat of all Normal-type Pokémon.
  • Regigigas is the only one of the Legendary titans not to have its type referenced in its name.
    • Regigigas is also the only one of the Legendary titans that does not use the remix of the Legendary titan battle theme in Platinum or Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire, despite having the prefix "Regi". Instead, it uses the Sinnoh Legendary battle theme, much like in Diamond and Pearl.
      • In Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon, Regirock, Regice, and Registeel use the original Legendary titan battle theme while Regigigas uses the Sinnoh Legendary battle theme.
      • In Black 2 and White 2, however, the remix of the Legendary titan battle theme is used.
  • In Platinum, by hacking to obtain Cherish Balls, it is possible to trick the game into opening Rock Peak, Iceberg, and Iron Ruins: by catching the in-game Regigigas in a Cherish Ball, the game thinks the Regigigas was obtained at a Nintendo event.
  • In Generation IV, Regigigas is the only Pokémon required to acquire the Diploma that cannot be obtained without the use of Generation III games or an event, even with all Generation IV titles. This limitation occurs because Regigigas cannot be obtained without the use of the other Legendary titans, which in turn cannot be obtained without either importing them from Generation III or obtaining them in Platinum with an event Regigigas.
  • Regigigas is the tallest Normal-type Pokémon.
  • Regigigas is the only Generation IV Legendary Pokémon whose Attack stat is higher than its Special Attack stat.
  • Regigigas is the lowest-leveled Legendary Pokémon that can be encountered in the wild, being level 1 when fought in Pokémon Platinum.
    • Regigigas also has the highest of any scripted Pokémon encounter in the wild at Level 100 in the The Crown Tundra.
  • In HeartGold and SoulSilver, Regigigas has the widest overworld sprite of all Pokémon.
  • Unlike any obtainable Pokémon not in the Galar Pokédex, Isle of Armor Pokédex, and Crown Tundra Pokédex, Regigigas does not have unused Pokédex entries in Pokémon Sword and Shield.


Regigigas seems to be based on the golems of Hebrew legend. The legends cast them as servants of higher powers and are said to have writing on their heads. When the writing is removed, the creature would be weakened, or even killed in some legends. It may also be based on the Titans of Greek mythology. It could also draw some inspiration from the Daidarabotchi, a gigantic yōkai, due to its ability to easily manipulate mountains, while also notably sharing similarities to Ōmitsunu, a demigod who pulled land via ropes to expand his kingdom. Its form also resembles that of a Blemmyes

Regigigas also seems to have parallels to the Legendary Golem of Prague, whose immense power also intimidated people. This ultimately resulted in it being overrun and sealed away in an attic. Conversely, Regigigas was sealed in a basement. Regigigas' being sealed could also be a reference to the aftermath of the titanomachy, which resulted in the titans being imprisoned away in the underworld.

Name origin

Regigigas is a combination of regis, Latin for royal, and γίγας gigas, Greek for giant.

In other languages

Language Title Meaning
Japan Flag.png Japanese レジギガス Regigigas From regis (Latin for royal) and gigas (Greek for giant)
France Flag.png French Regigigas Same as Japanese name
Spain Flag.png Spanish Regigigas Same as Japanese name
Germany Flag.png German Regigigas Same as Japanese name
Italy Flag.png Italian Regigigas Same as Japanese name
South Korea Flag.png Korean 레지기가스 Regigigas Transliteration of Japanese name
Hong Kong Flag.png Cantonese Chinese 雷吉奇卡斯 Léi Jí Qí Kǎ Sī Same as Mandarin name
China and Taiwan Flags.png Mandarin Chinese 雷吉奇卡斯 Léi Jí Qí Kǎ Sī Transliteration of Japanese name
More languages
India Flag.png Hindi रेजीगीगैस Regigigas Transliteration of English name
Russia Flag.png Russian Реджигигас Redjigigas Transcription of English name
Thailand Flag.png Thai เรจิกิกัส Rechikikat Transcription of Japanese name

Related articles

  • Reg
  • Hareta's Regigigas
  • Legendary titans
  • Legendary Pokémon
  • Myths and legends involving Legendary Pokémon

External links

Legendary Pokémon

Generation I: Articuno • Zapdos • Moltres • Mewtwo
Generation II: Raikou • Entei • Suicune • Lugia • Ho-Oh
Generation III: Regirock • Regice • Registeel • Latias
Latios • Kyogre • Groudon • Rayquaza
Generation IV: Uxie • Mesprit • Azelf • Dialga • Palkia
Heatran • Regigigas • Giratina • Cresselia
Generation V: Cobalion • Terrakion • Virizion • Tornadus • Thundurus
Reshiram • Zekrom • Landorus • Kyurem
Generation VI: Xerneas • Yveltal • Zygarde
Generation VII: Type: Null • Silvally • Tapu Koko • Tapu Lele • Tapu Bulu • Tapu Fini
Cosmog • Cosmoem • Solgaleo • Lunala • Necrozma
Generation VIII: Zacian • Zamazenta • Eternatus • Kubfu • Urshifu
Regieleki • Regidrago • Glastrier • Spectrier • Calyrex

See also: Mythical Pokémon

How to Get Regigigas in Pokemon Black 2
