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How to Add Elder Scrolls Online to Steam

You will not get a steam key at all, since you didn't buy it on steam. Any purchase made outside of steams own marketplace (Unless specified on the game box) does not net Valve a profit and its a sacrifice you have to make.

İlk olarak Robotukas tarafından gönderildi:

I don't understand. If I will buy this game which I already have nion steam version game, so why I need ESO account? So do they create for me eso account? Or Can i use my account on steam version?

You still need an ESO account I would assume.


17 Tem 2014 @ 10:57

İlk olarak CompletedQuill tarafından gönderildi:

You will not get a steam key at all, since you didn't buy it on steam. Any purchase made outside of steams own marketplace (Unless specified on the game box) does not net Valve a profit and its a sacrifice you have to make.

And yet several publishers do that

I also don't believe this will be possible. You could easily sell the other steam key and still keep playing outside steam.


17 Tem 2014 @ 10:59

İlk olarak Jessica tarafından gönderildi:

According to a thread that was just posted in this forum by a EOS mod:

"Can I move my game account from Bethesda to Steam?
No. In order to play ESO, players require both an ESO account and a Steam account if they wish to purchase it from Steam. "

So basically, won't be given keys.

That FAQ answer doesn't say anything. It doesn't speak about previous buyers and keys, only about .. game accounts.
Question is unanswered so far.

I had a similar situation years ago with Settlers 7, It wasn't available in my country on steam so I bought it from the shop and about a year later it did come to steam, they wont give you a Steam key because they made 0 money from you, at the time I was a bit ♥♥♥♥ed because it's nice to have all your games in one place..... But to be fair it makes sense.

İlk olarak CompletedQuill tarafından gönderildi:

You will not get a steam key at all, since you didn't buy it on steam. Any purchase made outside of steams own marketplace (Unless specified on the game box) does not net Valve a profit and its a sacrifice you have to make.

have u never bought a game from amazon or greenmangaming steam keys everywhere

Other companies have done it. Euro Truck Simulator 2 keys purchased outside of the Steam marketplace activate the Steam version so it can be done. Whether or not Zenimax allows it is another story. Personally I think seeing the game on Steam discounted at 50% just a few months after release doesn't bode well for how it's doing. I like it well enough, but seems this is a sign they're struggling for subscribers.


17 Tem 2014 @ 11:12

I think maybe they will lose money if they will give us a key

Most Free2Play games update through their launcher anywhere. That's usually the biggest benefit of using Steam. i.e. Just add the non-game Steam to your library, and there's little to no difference since the game doesn't update through Steam.

Whats the added benefit of owning the game through Steam? Time tracking? Achievements? Completely superficial things with no value.


17 Tem 2014 @ 11:24

Well here's their official answer.

ZOS_AmeliaR admin
6:02PM Staff Post
We won't be providing Steam keys to current ESO players, as Steam utilizes ESO's launcher and patcher, as well as our billing and account systems. Instead, if you'd like to play via Steam, you can add the existing title to Steam.

To do this, head to "Games" option within Steam and select "Add Non-Steam Game to My Library." Then, select the checkbox next to "The Elder Scrolls Online" and click "Add Selected Programs."


İlk olarak Jessica tarafından gönderildi:

According to a thread that was just posted in this forum by a EOS mod:

"Can I move my game account from Bethesda to Steam?
No. In order to play ESO, players require both an ESO account and a Steam account if they wish to purchase it from Steam. "

So basically, won't be given keys.

That does not even answer the question.
It just says you need both a Bethesda and a Steam account.

EDIT: Ah I see it now...Damnit, that sucks. I wanted it on Steam.

Nice. Screw over existing customers to get some new ones. Good way to run an MMO.

I think you just can't do anything? But it's a Mega-Server you can still play with your friends

I think the only thing we can hope for is that it will go f2p on Steam with added p2w benefits that previous subscribers will possess.

How to Add Elder Scrolls Online to Steam
