A Funny Pic of George W Bush
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My God, George! At their first meeting, in July, 2001 at the papal summer residence near Rome, Pope John Paul II gave President Bush his full concentration. Or was he just hiding his embarassment?
Foto: AP

Protect the crown jewels, George! Bush followed tradition by pardoning the turkey "Liberty." The bird used the opportunity to seek intimate contact.

Heads up, George! Even signing autographs can be dangerous for the President of the United States. On April 17, 2006, Bush made the mistake of having an aide toss him a pen -- missile accomplished!
Foto: AP

Ouch, George! When Bush attended his daughter's graduation at Yale in May, 2004, he was bearing wounds on his face and hands. On the previous day, he had taken a spill while riding his mountain bike at his Texas ranch.
Foto: AP

Your Mini-Me, George? During his visit to Germany in 2006, Bush was hoping to woo Old Europe. The feeling wasn't always mutual.

Don't do it, George! At a 2005 banquet in the Danish royal palace, Bush made as if he were going to blow out the candles on Queen Margaret's birthday cake. He's lucky he got away without a faceful of frosting.

You have to let go, George! In June 2001, Bush tried holding on to his dog Barney with one hand, while saluting with the other. The results were mixed.
Foto: AP

With us or against us, George! Bush got along well with Prince Salman on his visit to Saudi Arabia in January 2008. By the time Bush left town, the two had performed a public sword dance.
Foto: AP

Wrong way, George! After a press conference in China in 2005, Bush headed for the exits, only to discover that they'd been locked from the outside.
Foto: AP

Feeling good, George! In April 2007, the Bushes invited a west African dance troupe to the White House Rose Garden. George got particularly riled up.
Foto: AP

Hold on tight, George! In November 2006, Bush landed at a stormy Air Force base in Honolulu, Hawaii. Bush displayed a firm grasp of the situation.
Foto: AP

Is that you, George? A volunteer in Honolulu struggled to don the President with the traditional island lei. Bush tried his best to help.
Foto: AP

Me George, you Tarzan! At the graduation ceremony of the Air Force Academy in May 2008, Bush dared to "chest bump" the graduates. There were no reported casualties.
Foto: AP

Not so funny, George! The President joked around with his wife Laura at Andrews Air Force Base in June 2006. The military officer standing watch was less charmed.
Foto: AP

Easy does it, George! The Segway scooter uses the principle of dynamic stabilization to maintain balance. Bush didn't yet have a handle on it when he tried out the machine in June 2003.
Foto: AP

Show him where to go, George! On the White Lawn in September 2002, Bush tried to convince his dog Spot to move around. Unsuccessfully.
Foto: AP

Cute outfit, George! At the Asia-Pacific summit in November 2006, Bush, Vladimir Putin and Hu Jintao each wore the local Vietnamese garb. Cute!
Foto: AFP

Born to be wild, George! During his visit to a Harley-Davidson plant in Pennsylvania in 2006, Bush straddled a hog. Pretty sexy.

Everything OK, George? In July 2006, Bush stumbled while getting off Air Force One. Five years into the job and he still hadn't mastered the basics.
Foto: AP

Look George, a flying fish! Bush threw back a fish he caught off the coast of Kennebunkport, Maine. By the look of it, he may have been simultaneously performing long division.

Oh George, you little scamp! Bush's comedy routines at the annual White House Correspondents' Dinner were always well received.
Source: https://www.spiegel.de/fotostrecke/photo-gallery-funny-moments-with-george-dubyah-bush-fotostrecke-36649.html