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How Long Does Irb Review Take in Vermont

Jeremy J Peavey,1 Samantha 50 D'Amico,ane Brian Y Kim,one Stephen T Higgins,2, iii David S Friedman,4 Christopher J Bradyane, 2

1Department of Surgery, Division of Ophthalmology, University of Vermont Medical Center and Larner College of Medicine, Burlington, VT, United states; 2Vermont Center for Beliefs and Health, Larner College of Medicine, Burlington, VT, U.s.a.; iiiDepartments of Psychiatry and Psychological Science, Larner College of Medicine, University of Vermont, Burlington, VT, United states; 4Dana Centre for Preventive Ophthalmology, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD, USA

Correspondence: Christopher J Brady
Department of Surgery, Division of Ophthalmology, University of Vermont Medical Center and Larner College of Medicine, Burlington, VT 05401, USA
Tel +1 802 847 0400
E-mail [email protected]

Objective: To investigate the impact of socioeconomic disadvantage and diabetic retinopathy severity on follow-upwards for vision care amid people with diabetes mellitus (DM) residing in rural Vermont and northern New York State.
Methods: A retrospective nautical chart review of people with DM who visited our bookish eye clinic at to the lowest degree in one case betwixt October ane, 2015, and March 31, 2016, was done. Of 1,466 unique patient visits, 500 were called for total chart review by simple random sampling. DM follow-upwards within 1 year was recommended for 331 adults. Data most prescribed and actual follow-up intervals were extracted. Regression models were used to place factors associated with poor attendance at follow-up appointments.
Results: Sixty-eight [20.5%] patients had poor follow-up, defined as no ophthalmology visit within double the prescribed interval. Of these, 57 were not seen in follow-up by the finish of study ascertainment. Poor follow-upward was greatest among socioeconomically disadvantaged patients, as defined by Medicaid enrollment (odds ratio [OR], 1.95; 95% CI, one.07– 3.56) in comparing to non-disadvantaged patients. Follow-up was ameliorate among those with moderate or worse diabetic retinopathy (OR, 0.38 95% CI, 0.20– 0.70), and those with macular edema (OR, 0.19; 95% CI, 0.057– 0.62).
Conclusion: Medicaid insurance and ameliorate diabetic retinopathy status were associated with worse follow-up amidst our predominantly rural population of patients. Patients who did not follow-upwardly within double the recommended interval were unlikely to follow-up at all. Interventions are needed to target those at highest risk for poor follow-up.

Keywords: diabetes mellitus, socioeconomic disadvantage, rural medicine, follow-upwardly attendance


Diabetic retinopathy (DR) is the leading crusade of incomprehension among working-aged adults in the Us, affecting approximately four.2 meg Americans1 and 93 million people worldwide.ii,3 Although strict guidelines have been adopted by the International Quango of Ophthalmology, the American Academy of Ophthalmology, and many other professional organizations, screening rates have historically been quite poor, ranging from 35% to 65%.4–vii The reasons for poor screening are multifactorial, and complicated by the fact that diabetes itself is a known risk cistron for date non-omnipresence in the full general medical setting.8,9 While changes in systemic management take improved outcomes for many with diabetes mellitus (DM), and certain innovations similar remote screening via ocular telehealth may meliorate screening rates, prevention of vision loss continues to require ongoing omnipresence at in-person ophthalmic follow-up.x,eleven

To address these concerns, we identified factors associated with poor attendance at diabetic eye care appointments in a predominantly rural population through a retrospective chart review. The baseline established in this study may be used for developing tools that identify and assist patients at high take a chance.

Methods and Materials

Data Extraction

The approval of the Academy of Vermont Institutional Review Board (IRB) was obtained before conducting this study. The study was performed in accordance with the Wellness Insurance Portability and Accountability Deed of 1996 and the tenets of the Declaration of Helsinki. This study was deemed minimal adventure and given IRB waiver of consent. A retrospective chart review identified people older than 18 years of age with DM with or without DR seen in the offices of the University of Vermont Medical Center Ophthalmology Sectionalisation at least one time between October ane, 2015, and March 31, 2016. To identify people with DM, the following codes were selected from the International Statistical Nomenclature of Diseases and Related Health Problems, 10th Revision, Clinical Modification (ICD-10CM): diabetes type I, no ocular complications (E10.9), diabetes type 2, no ocular complications (E11.nine), diabetes with unspecified diabetic retinopathy with macular edema (E10.311, E11. 311), diabetes with unspecified diabetic retinopathy without macular edema (E10.319, E11.319), mild non-proliferative diabetic retinopathy (E10.321, E10.329, E11.321, E11.329), moderate not-proliferative diabetic retinopathy (E10.331, E10.339, E11.331, E11.339), astringent non-proliferative diabetic retinopathy (E10.341, E10.349, E11.341, E11.349), and proliferative diabetic retinopathy (E10.351, E10.359, E11.351, E11.359). The appointment range was chosen as information technology coincided with the curl out of ICD-10 coding in the electronic wellness record at our institution and allowed for 24 months of follow-up before the decision of the report period on March 31, 2018.

The random number generator function in Microsoft Excel was used to (pseudorandomly) society the patient records and the first 500 were selected from this list for manual chart review. The sample size for this exploratory study was selected to exploit our available resources and provide data for formal sample size calculations for future studies. Patients were included in the study group if they were prescribed a diabetes-related ophthalmology follow-up of any interval one year or less from the alphabetize visit. Patients with other ocular comorbidities were not excluded from the written report. Follow-up was only considered completed if there was a dilated fundus test recorded. Information technology was only possible to assess patients for eligibility after a full chart review. Patients were excluded if they were less than 18 years onetime (n=i), self-pay (n=2), or had a recommended follow-upward interval greater than 1 year (n=7). Demographic factors, insurance condition, phase of DR, and diabetic macular edema (DME) diagnosis were extracted, every bit was the follow-up interval prescribed past the examining md, and the accomplished follow-upwards interval.

Statistical Analysis

Eligible patient charts were examined for follow-upwards attendance. Non-attendance or "poor follow-upward" was divers equally absence of follow-upwards in the medical record within an interval less than or equal to twice the prescribed duration.12 Patients with Medicaid or Medicare with Medicaid insurance status were defined as "socioeconomically disadvantaged." Demographic factors, including disadvantaged status, DR stage, and DME status were explored for clan with poor follow-up in univariable and multivariable logistic regression models. Receiver-operating characteristic (ROC) curves were assessed for identifying individuals unlikely to follow-upward using regression models with all bachelor co-variates as well as automated models using forward and backward stepwise estimation for this exploratory analysis. Analyses were conducted using Stata 15 (StataCorp, College Station, Texas).


Study Population and Nonattendance Rates

Upon an initial electronic health tape (EHR) search, 1,466 unique ophthalmology visits by patients with diabetes were identified (Effigy 1). Five hundred visits were randomly selected for further nautical chart review. Of these, 331 patients (66.2%) who were recommended returning for DM-specific follow-upwardly and met inclusion criteria were included in this analysis (Tabular array ane). Sixty-eight (20.five%) patients qualified every bit poor follow-upward and 57 (83.eight%) of these had no ophthalmology follow-up visit at all as of the conclusion of the IRB-approved study window on March 31, 2018. The median prescribed follow-up was 365 days overall (interquartile range (IQR): 275) in both the poor follow-upward (IQR: 305) and skillful follow-up (IQR: 185) groups (Supplemental Figure ane). Median patient age was 65 years (IQR: sixteen). One hundred forty-eight (44.7%) patients were females, and almost all patients (93.4%) were white. Seventy (21.4%) were categorized as disadvantaged every bit adamant past Medicaid (n=24) or Medicare with Medicaid insurance status (n=46). DR severity ranged between none (north=178, 53.8%), balmy (n=25, 7.half dozen%), moderate (n=61, 18.4%), severe (n=viii, 2.4%), and proliferative (northward=59, 17.8%). 50-five (16.6%) patients were diagnosed with DME.

Table 1 Demographic Characteristics

Figure 1 Study flowchart.

Risk Factors for Poor Follow-Up

Patients with disadvantaged status had 1.95 times greater odds of poor follow-upwardly than not-disadvantaged patients in univariable regression (95% CI, 1.07–3.56; P=0.03). People with disadvantages were on boilerplate 5 years younger and had milder DR (Table 3). People with moderate or more severe DR had 0.38-fold lower odds of poor follow-up than those with mild or no DR (95% CI, 0.20–0.70; P=0.002, Table two). Each pace increase in DR severity conveyed 0.74-fold lower odds of poor follow-upwardly (95% CI, 0.lx–0.91; P=0.004) (steps defined as: "No DR," "Mild Not-proliferative diabetic retinopathy (NPDR)," "Moderate NPDR," "Severe NPDR," and "Proliferative DR"). The effect of moderate or worse DR severity persisted in a multivariable regression model adjusting for age, disadvantaged condition, and follow-upward interval length (OR 0.34 95% CI, 0.14–0.lxxx, P=0.013). Patients with DME had 0.xix-fold lower odds of poor follow-upward (95% CI, 0.057–0.62; P=0.006) than those without. Older patients were more likely to attend follow-up for each increased decade of life, yet this data was non statistically significant (OR, 0.83; 95% CI, 0.67–1.03; P=0.09). Longer prescribed follow-up interval was as well associated with poor follow-upwards, with vi months or longer interval having 2.0-fold higher odds of poor follow-upwards than shorter intervals (95% CI, 1.07–3.74; P=0.03). Neither gender nor race was significantly associated with follow-upward attendance. A multivariable logistic regression model incorporating all co-variates was used to generate a (ROC) curve (Supplement Figure 2) with an area-under-the-curve (AUROC) of 0.669. Forward and astern-selection stepwise estimation were used to generate logistic regression models, which identified disadvantaged status, DR severity and DME condition as significant covariates. This model did not improve the AUROC (data not shown).

Table 2 Predictors of Poor Follow-Up

Table iii Comparison of Patients by Disadvantaged Status


Poor follow-up, every bit defined by the absenteeism of attending a recommended ophthalmology engagement within double the prescribed follow-up interval, occurred in more than than one-5th of patients in this study. Fewer than one in six of those who failed to attend in this fourth dimension frame ever followed up within the 2-year observation window. This complete loss to follow-upwardly (LTFU) is worrisome, as it is not clear if or when these individuals will return for boosted heart care. Because DR can be asymptomatic until rather advanced stages, it is probable that some of these individuals will lose vision owing to their failure to adhere to follow-upwards recommendations. The relatively high rates of poor follow-up and clinical LTFU parallel before studies in general diabetic populations,iii,xiii-fifteen macular degeneration populations,16 glaucoma populations,17 and populations of DR patients undergoing light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation treatments and/or intravitreal injections.xviii Poor rates of follow-up attendance have also been reported post-obit telemedicine screening for DR in both urban and rural settings.19,twenty

Nosotros defined socioeconomically disadvantaged patients as those using Medicaid insurance with or without Medicare. In univariable analysis, these patients had a ane.95-fold increased likelihood of poor follow-up compared to those with commercial insurance or Medicare without Medicaid. In a model adjusting for historic period, DME status, and follow-upwardly interval ordered, the effect of disadvantage was minimally blunted (OR: i.83, 95% CI: 0.99–3.43, p=0.055). This finding is consequent with other studies which have institute dual eligibility (Medicare with Medicaid) status to be a risk gene for poor follow-up in general medical settings.21–25 Every bit is shown in Table iii, the disadvantaged and not-disadvantaged groups were non balanced with respect to age and diabetes status, which limits our ability to suit for all confounders given our sample size.

Conversely, worse diabetic retinopathy, the presence of diabetic macular edema, and shorter recommended follow-up were each associated with better follow-upward in univariable models. Since these are interrelated concepts in the clinical context of diabetic retinopathy, it was not obvious a priori which covariate(southward) would be independently associated with poor follow-upwardly. In a multivariable model, DME status ultimately remained significantly associated with poor follow-up, peradventure because DME is likely to exist under active handling, whereas other DR states may be active or inactive. In particular, the correlation between DR status and follow-up interval may not be every bit perfect equally we initially suspected (for case., a person with stable PDR without DME might exist prescribed a 3–iv-month follow-up, whereas a person with an active traction retinal detachment might require much more proximate follow-upwards, merely both would be classified equally the aforementioned severity of DR in our models). Previous psychological and behavioral studies accept shown that diabetic patients who believe the severity of illness to be greater have better compliance rates and tend to be older,26,27 possibly supporting the need for more DR educational activity and awareness in younger and less severely affected individuals.

The strengths of our approach include manual full-text review of the medical record to ascertain inclusion/exclusion criteria, DR diagnosis and follow-upwardly interval. We experience this immune for more robust data than a review of billing/claims data. Likewise, we included the full range of diabetic retinopathy states from diabetes without retinopathy to proliferative diabetic retinopathy. Finally, we had a sufficiently long observation window to follow all included patients for double their prescribed follow-up interval.

Our sample, while cogitating of the general population of Vermont (94.5% white)28 and perhaps other rural regions of the Usa, is constrained by racial homogeneity that may limit generalizability to other populations. Our finding that white patients had 0.59-fold lower odds of poor follow-up when compared to not-whites was not statistically meaning and was likewise unable to be further characterized for confounding due to very few participants of other races. Notwithstanding, our results do compliment other studies conducted in more urban environments. Most notably are the findings from an urban study regarding follow-upwardly afterward pan-retinal photocoagulation or intravitreal anti-VEGF therapy for patients with proliferative diabetic retinopathy, which found 25.4% were lost to follow-up within 4 years of their process.18 The investigators identified an association betwixt older age and higher income with improved follow-up. They also reported decreased rates of follow-up amid African American, Hispanic, Native American, and Pacific Islanders as compared with Asian and white patients. Since the written report included only patients with PDR, the authors were unable to comment on affliction severity and loss to follow-up.

A second limitation of our study was our disability to determine if care was received elsewhere past our patients. It is possible that some patients we classified as not following up did indeed find care elsewhere, though the apply of an electronic medical record did allow for conviction that all patient visits at our establishment were able to be included. Another facet of patients classified as LTFU is that they may accept followed up soon outside our IRB-canonical study window and not been captured.

Although our results do not consider all risk factors for poor follow-up, and several of our covariates are intimately linked such equally retinopathy status, macular edema condition, and prescribed follow-up interval, these information are important in the clinical setting for understanding the scope of the poor follow-up and for establishing interventions designed to improve outcomes among predominantly rural populations. While ROC analyses of our predictive models were not currently adequate for clinical utilise (AUROC: 0.669), they are encouraging near the potential for further piece of work to develop predictive algorithms to alert clinicians through the EHR that a particular patient might be prone to poor follow-up. Such a organisation could be more robust than common recall systems. In the current system, people requiring follow-upwards within the University of Vermont Medical Eye receive a letter three months in advance of their prescribed appointment fourth dimension with instructions to call and schedule. Several studies have shown promise in creating personalized follow-upwardly and educational activity for ophthalmology patients.29–33 Future investigation ought to expand upon this inquiry in other, diverse populations while because additional risk factors such as occupation, education, and marital status.


The Jeffords Institute for Quality and Operational Effectiveness provided report design consultation and technical assistance with retrieval of data from the electronic health record.

National Constitute of General Medical Sciences of the National Institutes of Health National Institutes of Health 10.13039/100000002

CJB was supported by the National Found of General Medical Sciences of the National Institutes of Health under Award Number P20GM103644. The content is solely the responsibility of the authors and does not necessarily represent the official views of the National Institutes of Health. BYK and SD were supported in part by the Elliot W. Shipman Professorship Fund.


Samantha 50 D'Amico reports the Elliot W. Shipman Fund from the University of Vermont Medical Center, during the conduct of the study. Christopher J. Brady reports grants from NIH/NIGMS, during the behave of the study. The authors report no other potential conflicts of involvement in this work.


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